Videos, TV, Radio, and Podcasts:

Dr. Zahn on the panel of the ACOG Presentation: Emotional Wellbeing during a Pandemic: A Guided Discussion and Best Practice Sharing of Wellbeing interventions in the Ob/Gyn Community, Jun 1, 2020 – Zahn starts around 19:50


Enjoy this conversation with MFM Natie Fox, MD about Mindfulness and Practical Perspectivism and the Labor Floor on the “Healthful Woman” podcast!

Check out the Podcast on Perspectivism and Fertility with Lori Metz, LCWS on:


Check out my conversations on Happiness on the Rockland World Radio as we discuss the newly released 2017 UN World Happiness Report:


My first appearance talking about Practical Perspectivism and Choose Happiness! The Perspectivist’s Handbook was on the PBS show HealthLink in Albany, hosted by my big sister, Benita Zahn: watch it here (the whole show is excellent; I make my appearance around the 7:20 mark): PBS HealthLink – Happiness


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